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Wednesday 7 March 2012


Fear of place is the focus of this exhibition. Ten artists - Anne Eggebert, Matze Einhoff, David Ferrando Giraut, Polly Gould, Marja Helander, Uta Kogelsberger, Abigail Reynolds, Almut Rink, Emily Speed and Louise K Wilson - respond to this intriguing subject through drawing, video, painting, photography sculpture, sound and installation. 


The range of media and approaches is wide. Anne Eggebert makes detailed drawings derived from images on Google Earth; Matthias Einhoff uses high-end corporate video techniques to make a spectacle of an urban wasteland; David Ferrando Giraut creates a state of anxiety with his filmic pan of the aftermath of a car accident; Polly Gould constructs distorted topographical watercolours reflected in the surface of a globe; Marja Helander depicts herself out of place between her two cultures of contemporary Finland and Sami nomadic heritage; Uta Kogelsberger reveals uncanny night visions of urban and desert America in her photographs; Almut Rink appropriates the 3D software used by architects to take the viewer on an imaginary journey in a virtual space; Abigail Reynolds exposes disjointed time and place in her use of old book illustrations in collages and assemblage; Emily Speed houses her body in a fortress made from shutters; and Louise K Wilson uses sound derived from her work at a previously top secret Cold War testing site.

As an anxiety disorder, topophobia is an irrational dread of certain places or situations. However, considered as a cultural phenomenon, the condition connects us to existential human questions of how we find our place in the world. The exhibition and accompanying publication take a look at the representation of place and space as both threatened and threatening.

The fear of place and the manifestation of this in contemporary art is the territory for TOPOPHOBIA. It takes the form of a group exhibition and related publication. Conceived and curated by Anne Eggebert and Polly Gould TOPOPHOBIA is the product of their long-term collaboration as artists and curators under the name of Eggebert-and-Gould.

Uta Kogelsberger and Emily Speed


full moon at night sky over Liverpool

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