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Saturday 15 June 2013

"Rogue tyre" blamed for Yellow Duckmarine sinking

Tour operators Pearlwild say shredded tyre wrapped around propeller to cause damage

A tyre wrapped around the Duckmarine propeller

A “rogue tyre” was today blamed for the sinking of the Yellow Duckmarine in the Albert Dock.

Photographs released by the operators Pearlwild Ltd showed a near-shredded tyre wrapped around the propeller of the Quacker 1 vessel which sank on Saturday afternoon.

A total of 31 people including children were on board the craft when it sank, leading to a frantic scramble to flee the craft.

Joe Anderson is a man of straw who will say anything that he thinks will curry favour. These ducks have safely completed thousands of trips, not just in Liverpool but in London, Devon and in cities all over the world, without mishap. Unfortunately there have been two incidents in Liverpool, but no-one died and the reason for the sinking has not been established yet. Yet Anderson is all for never allowing these popular tour to continue. Recently there was a hot air balloon accident in Egypt, but this has not stopped hot air ballon rides. When taken into perspective I believe that Anderson should wait before making any further comments about the Duck Tours. It may be that the present fleet of vehicles have reached the end of their life. It may be time to look at different vehicles. Would Anderson suggest banning buses if one was involved in an accident, I think not.